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  • Writer's pictureBeerajaah Sswain

Amazon's $107,000,000 mistake

In 2006, Amazon discovered something crazy. For every 100 milliseconds of additional load time on product pages, it cost them 1% of sales. Turns out speed and convenience REALLY matter. Even in 2006, 1% of Amazon sales was $107 million! This is a great example of how friction kills sales. Why else has Amazon... - pioneered 1-click purchases - is testing "just walk out" grocery stores with no checkout lines - pushes for faster and faster delivery So... If Amazon sellers want to make more money, we can ask: "How can I make things faster and more convenient for shoppers?" Here's a few thoughts: - put products into Amazon FBA whenever possible. We've seen a 20-30% sales increase when compared to FBM. Of course, with some products (custom, big, heavy, and/or expiring) it doesn't make sense - add a variation of your product that's bulk/higher quantity. Make it easy for people to purchase more if that's what they're inclined to do. And you'll get some crazy huge orders from time to time! - run Amazon Sponsored Products ASIN Targeting ads on your OWN products, so you can effectively upsell/cross-sell your items to customers who are already on your listings - create an Amazon Storefront page where shoppers can view all your different SKUs and buy more stuff People WANT to buy more from you. But you've gotta make it easy. We can only scratch the surface in these emails, so I invite you to book a call with my team of Amazon experts, who can look at your account and make specific recommendations for your case. We've developed a new Amazon PPC Playbook for 2023 and it's working like gangbusters in 100s of up-and-coming brands like yours, and it would be an honor to advise you.

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